Thursday, July 9, 2009

What are the most frequently asked questions in an interview for c# or c++ programmer?

It really depends on the company you interview with, and what the position itself will entail. I have interviewed for positions for which they wanted C# experience, with alot of web familiarity, so they asked questions about how C# interacts with ASP.Net. I have also gone on interviews where they weren't so interested in my programming skills, but were curious to know about my general problem solving ability. Currently, I am developing reports, and for the interview for this job, they wanted to know more general things about me - answers to questions like "How would you deal with an obnoxious coworker?" "What would you do if your boss told you that a project had to be done by a certain date, and you knew there was no way it could be completed in time?" Some companies even have 2 separate interviews - a technical interview, and a personality interview. The best suggestion I could give would be to see if you can somehow talk to someone who works for the company you are applying with, and see what they think you should study up on. Or you can even go in a couple of days before your interview, and ask the receptionist what he or she thinks. In the end, jobs are most often awarded on personalty, and how well they like you generally overall. So be sure to arrive early, be well groomed, smile, and TELL THE TRUTH. If they ask a question, and you don't know the answer, just say so. The biggest mistake a person can make in an interview is to try to answer something they don't know, making themself look like a fool. Just be honest, and be yourself.

Wow - sorry I went on. What was the question again??? ha

What are the most frequently asked questions in an interview for c# or c++ programmer?
It really depends on the job. If it is an entry-level job. With any programming job, they usually ask you to write them a "hello world" script. But dealing with C, they might ask you to talk about profiling, or how to generate source code from a binary file. Or even the differances/simililarities between c# and ++. But if you know the languages, you should have no problem.

do a google search on c++ interview questions, and you should find many links assiciated with it. Here is one:

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